Automatically monitor, repair, and receive notification when service
events happen. Argos combines the utility of Monit with the connectedness
of Pushover and intelligent monitoring patterns.
Services recover automatically and your phone gets a light vibration.
Service Alert
From Argos on
2/07/25 at 3:28 PM
[myserver] ApisCP alert - process is not running
Service Alert
From Argos on
2/07/25 at 3:29 PM
[myserver] ApisCP alert - process is running with pid 32120
Stunning simplicity
Argos is an agent that you install on your server. When it detects a problem, it attempts
to fix it automatically and generates a notice. No complex configurations. Install Argos, set
two configuration values, and you're set.
Quickly customize ApisCP. All values can be overrode at a late date by
apnscp-vars.yml or using cpcmd.
You can always reset your panel password from terminal.